The Pak Red Crescent Medical College was established in 2012 by the Pakistan Red Crescent Society – Punjab, which is working since time immemorial towards the improvement of health, prevention of disease and mitigation of human suffering by manmade and natural disaster.
The principal aim of establishing the Pak Red Crescent Medical College along with a teaching hospital is to provide healthcare facilities to the underprivileged population of District Kasur and southern part of Lahore. The College has highly qualified and experienced faculty along with all the latest teaching facilities including digital library and computer labs.
It is a matter of great pride for me to extend my felicitations and a warm welcome to the new entrants of first-year MBBS. Our prime objective is to produce not only eminent doctors but also good and God-fearing human beings. The Pakistan Red Crescent Society – Punjab is providing full cooperation and support to the medical college for its efficient functioning and for providing all the facilities to the faculty and the students.

I wish and pray that you get the best possible medical education from the faculty of this college and at the culmination of five years MBBS program make a positive contribution to the noble profession of medicine. It is my dream that this medical institution and the students studying therein are respected in society.
Chairman PRCMDC